Jon Reddick’s Lyrics Turn Around a Fan’s Marriage
Here at 20 the Countdown, we are always thinking about the life change that can happen through the lyrics we hear. Because these songs we play are based on the gospel, the lyrics are powerful, and we heard a story recently from Jon Reddick that we have to share!
The very first time Jon ever sang “God Turn It Around” publicly, there was a woman in the audience who had just found out her husband was leaving her and their marriage. She was devastated. But in that moment, she heard the words “God Turn It Around” over and over.
As she held on to those lyrics, that was just what God did. Over time, he began to restore, heal, and turn her marriage around. Now, Jon would have never known this story except that he ran into the couple at a restaurant and they shared their testimony. Then just a few months later, they invited Jon Reddick to sing his song at their vow renewal ceremony.
Think about these lyrics – what are you believing God can turn around in your situation?