Get Ready for Gather25: Global Prayer Event & Worship Album

Next weekend, on February 28th, an unprecedented 25-hour global prayer gathering will begin. The free online event, called Gather25, will bring together Jesus followers from every continent and time zone to join in prayer and worship.

In preparation for this event, the Gather25 Worship Album is being released this weekend! This album features a collection of new songs designed to complement the prayer gathering.

Matt Redman and Jason Ingram have curated a diverse lineup of worship leaders from ten different nations. With lyrics in multiple languages including Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese, and Swahili, this project is a beautiful tapestry of worship from around the world.

Artists featured on the album include Chris Tomlin, Jenn Johnson, and Elevation Rhythm from the U.S., Sinach from Nigeria, Martin Smith from the UK, and Miel San Marcos from Guatemala.

Check their first song out below!


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