For King & Country’s Big Sister
If you love For King & Country, then you love Joel and Luke Smallbone. Their fun-loving Aussie spirit gives the band so much life and joy — but how did it begin?
You may not know that they have an older sister and that they grew up learning from her and followed her footsteps into the world of music. Here’s a post from Joel Smallbone:
Rebecca St. James has co-written a single called “Kingdom Come” with her brothers Joel & Luke, and she said this about writing with them:
When Joel, Luke and I were writing this song we were inspired by the Lords’ prayer and the need for revival right now. I believe that there’s a desperation that is foundational to every true move of the Spirit. And our world is desperate right now! Great revivalists have said if you want to see revival, draw a circle on the floor, step into it and pray for revival to begin there. Let it start with us!
You can listen to Rebecca St. James’ new song “Kingdom Come,” featuring Joel and Luke Smallbone from For King & Country in the Amazon link below! Let us know what you think in the comments!

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debbie ryals
So how’s my True Love Waits hero, now wedded? I’ve shown Frontier Boys you were in lots of times in Samoa and since back in states, I’ve been having True Love Waits parties every valentine’s week for about 13 years as we’ve pastored in 3 cities….we’ve shown your Wait for Me video at some of them… and I’ve read your Sister Freaks and bought another copy to let disciplettes read, wow, an amazing collection as well as the SHE magazine! I even attended a concert you did at Murray State University in Western Kentucky about 20 years ago with my mom and daughters, 3 generations! And Be Still and Know, You are God…has been our favorite all these years every since…I’m gonna have to check out more of your new album, as I’ve only listedend to 2 songs so far…Keep it goin’ girl! Then I remember your brothers in that concert up on those squares singing harmony and you sitting down chatting with audience every coupla songs…amazing…And of course love For King and Country, even won their CD while living in Prescott, AZ the day they were giving them away! But my favorite of theirs was the christmas concert filmed out in the barn last year…oh my…awesome…Keep it goin’ guys too. Love, Debbie