Matthew West Song Inspires Heartwarming Stories

Last year, we shared in our “3 Things You Need to Know” news segment that Matthew West had released a brand new song inspired by his two daughters!  “Before You Ask Her” is a heartwarming song that shares a father’s advice to the man who wants to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. 

Well, now a year later, we have two follow-up stories for you!  The first is Matthew’s oldest daughter, Lulu, decided to surprise her dad for Father’s Day this year and record the vocals for this sweet song.  Matthew had no idea that Lulu had gone into the studio to record, and he says he was speechless hearing her bring this beautiful song to life!  

The second follow up story is that John, one of our 20TCM listeners from Pennsylvania, just sent us a letter on how this news story impacted him.  

John said his daughter, Emily, was getting married last year, and it was time for him to write his Father of the Bride speech. He listens to our show on his runs, and as he was listening one day, he heard us talking about Matthew West’s song, ”Before You Ask Her.”  John went home and listened to the whole song and said the lyrics described his future son-in-law perfectly. 

John says, “From your show, to my ear, with the help of some Matthew West lyrics, the wedding speech went great.  So thanks, 20TCM, for for your speech writing help!”  We love this so much!  And we love how this show introduces our listeners to new music and lyrics that impact their lives!  Thanks, John, for your support, and thanks also to one of our favorite songwriters, Matthew West, for another incredible song!

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Comments (2)
  • June 19, 2023
    Christine Lowe

    Matthew’s music changed my life. Forgiveness helped me to forgive years of all kinds of abuse by many in my childhood and teens. There is a line that says,”Let it go and be amazed the prisoner you free is You “! In February in Beatrice Nebraska I was able to meet Matthew and thank him personally for the song, and tell him my anger issue was gone. Now I’m able to witness to others at the Hope Center at our church where we feed the hungry in our community, if I meet a person who has gone through abuse. And that you won’t move on with your life till you do forgive. Christian music has the power to change lives. I am proof of that. I thank God for Matthew’s God given talent. I love seeing your Top 20 every week. I support KLOVE radio and Life 96.5 in Sioux Falls South Dakota. God bless you

    • June 23, 2023
      Amy Dillard

      Christine – Thank you so much for sharing your story! We’re honored you take time to listen to ’20’ and so grateful for the life change you’ve experienced. Passing what you’ve learned to others is powerful. Well done!

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